I just had my last English class of the year (and who knows when I'll get to take another English course? We'll see how my scheduling works out... :P). Ugh, this utterly and completely blows. That was my favorite course all year, and I love my prof... :P Ugh.
I've only got one class left - Stats - in my first year of University. How weird is that? It's also weird to say bye to people who I may or may not (may not is more likely) ever see again or have classes with again. Ugh, this is the complete suck. I did get a bunch of people to sign my yearbook, though, which is pretty nice and better than nothing. I'll miss seeing people in classes, though, and my suitemates too...
In other news, I think I just stumbled across the blog of someone in my English class - I don't know who it is but the person just wrote an entry about the English class he/she just had and it sounds really, really similar to the specifics of
my class... I wonder if it's anyone I know... the title of his/her blog is
verisimilitude, which was a key word in our English course this year and was what made me notice his/her blog on the "recently updated blogs" list. Hmmm....
Oh yeah, almost forgot to answer questions...here we go...
1. Girls...girls..what have we done to ourselves?
have we girls done to ourselves…? *regards anonymous questioner curiously* Have I done something to myself that I don’t know about?
2. Happy?
…About…what…exactly? Specifically? Or in general?
3. Why the heck is Susan studying CHEM of all things when she has English AND Stats!!!?? (note: “because she's crazy” will not suffice.
If this is who I think it is, a better question might be, “Why is Susan talking about herself in the third person?” But maybe that’s just me…
Well, other than the obvious (and apparently insufficient) “because she’s crazy” response, I would say that she perhaps feels there is more to study for Chem than for English and Stats? That’s just a complete conjecture, though, really. I’m making up stuff now since I can’t just say that she’s nuts. ;)